Wednesday, 18 May 2011


Okay so my blog title says I'm a mum now, technically I suppose you could say that. But I actually have about three weeks (give or take) until I pop. I just thought I'd get a head start on this blog. I suppose my goal is to start documenting from here on end my journey as a first-time mum, talking about bits and pieces of how I'm taking on this pregnancy, some odd cravings (if any) and trying out mummy and baby-friendly products that might help you (or get some feedback from you that will, in a way, help me too).

So I hope you do enjoy this blog and be a gentle critic since I'm not the tech savvy type who can sort out HTML and whatever nifty technospeak kids have for formatting blogsites and all. 


H xxx


  1. Congratulations in advance! A friend referred your blog to me, and I'm happy for you. Hope you can visit my site, too, where I compiled Daily Devotions for busy moms! :)

  2. Oh hi Johanna! Thanks for stopping by and checking my blog out! Would you mind if I linked your daily devotions to my site? I think that's a brilliant thing to have--a dose of God's word on the go:)
